• info@admirecare.net.au
  • +61 411 568 442
  • +61 483 282 061
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Who we assist?

Irrespective of age and gender, we pledge to assist a diverse community of people, including children, teenagers, adults, and older people suffering from various disabilities. We have designed our NDIS program in a unified manner where all these individuals will find comfort and world-class service at their convenience. We have advanced and latest equipment enabled for smooth conjunctions of activity thoroughly guided by experienced professionals.

People with disability

At Admire Care, we appreciate that everyone is different, unique, and from a diverse background within our community, whether a person is a child, adolescent, or adult, an employee or employer, a student or school leaver, indigenous or non-indigenous, everyone will experience disability differently.

Admire Care understands and supports people of all ages and abilities to achieve their NDIS goals to achieve:

  • More independence
  • Improve mobility
  • Access community more easily
  • Accomplish daily tasks

Our highly qualified clinicians are there to assist, work hard to help you navigate the NDIS, and deliver the support you need as quickly as possible.


Children and adolescents

At Admire Care Each child participant has access to resources that promote and respect their legal and human rights, help them develop functional skills, and allow them to participate meaningfully in everyday activities with their peers.

Admire Care has established appropriate and relevant support networks that work with children and teenagers of all ages, their families, support workers, and clinicians in every environment, including homes, schools, and the wider community.

Parents and carers

At Admire Care, each family receives family-centred supports that are culturally inclusive, responsive, and focus on their strengths.

To support the process, a clear contact plan created by our case manager in line with any relevant court orders will be documented in the child’s file. Our organization also acknowledges that support to young persons and child in care prior to and after contact with their birth family is essential to the provision of a safe and supportive environment and the health and well-being of the child.



Support coordinators and partners

Admire Care is committed to delivering services that are based on a collaborative approach. This is the same principle we employ with our support coordinators and partners in developing positive connections that enhance outcomes for your child and foster long term success of the NDIS scheme.

Admire Care is fully committed to developing constructive, helpful partnerships with support coordinators to achieve this goal.