• info@admirecare.net.au
  • +61 411 568 442
  • +61 483 282 061
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People Policy


  • Admire Care Pty Ltd wishes to recognise the Traditional Owners of the Land and the Aboriginal Communities served by our service.
  • Admire Care Pty Ltd will provide services and supports that meet the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
  • To work cohesively with local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.
  • Admire Care Pty Ltd to ensure staff is trained in culturally appropriate actions and requirements.


This policy is applicable to all persons who may have any contact with our participants.


It is the policy of Admire Care Pty Ltd to create a safe and welcoming environment for all people. The intent of this policy is to ensure that individuals have the right to engage with their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members and to access the support required to meet their individual needs. If required frontline workers will collaborate with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members to support participants in the development and review of their support plans and activities.


Our inclusive approach will promote the cultural safety of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander People through engaging with the participant, their community and relevant stakeholders. Processes are designed to meet the needs and requirements of the participant.

A variety of procedures may be implemented as per the list below:

  • Designing and using images that reflect indigenous symbols or pictures into brochures, on the website or located in the environment.
  • Displaying a Statement of Traditional Owners.
  • Clarifying if participants identify as an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.
  • Contacting and maintaining networks with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
  • Working with community networks for the benefit and support of the participant.
  • Contacting the participant’s family, extended family and community.
  • Establishing communication processes for maintaining an individual’s indigenous supports.
  • Working with other services in a coordinated manner to enhance supports for the participant.
  • Planning will include actions that promote cultural safety and connectedness and respect the cultural and spiritual identity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.
  • Encouraging and researching community events for the participants, then sharing this information with Staff.
  • Working with the local communities in the provision of services, referrals, consortia involvement and memorandums of understanding.

Advocacy information

All files of participants who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander will be reviewed to ensure that we meet our inclusive approach obligations. The review will determine if:

  • Service access and support strategies are relevant for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander People.
  • Service involvement and links with the Aboriginal community and Aboriginal services are being provided, as relevant.
  • Their cultural needs are being documented in their support plans.
  • Strategies and supports are being implemented as per their individual plan.
  • Feedback is being gathered from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and frontline workers. Feedback will be related to the cultural competence of our service provision.

Staff and Volunteer Training

Admire Care Pty Ltd will train all Staff and volunteers to ensure that all frontline workers are able to competently implement Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander cultural competence strategies. The training aims to increase access to the service by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.